Rabu, 30 November 2011

dont know what the title....

I need control my self.....
I shall not let others see me crying
Pretending  I do not care about you
Wish not thinking about you....
Blame my self for not having courage....
My hearts hurt that i could not breathe....
I couldnot find footprints that you left....
Open my eyes looking at you....
But I am helpless....
To let you dissapear from my life...
Tell me where is the star universe...
Does the place have an end.....
Laughter or tears,I hope every bits of memory be with the one I Love Most.............
 bisa ndak ya hidup itu seperti di dongeng,dimana setiap kisah itu semuanya berakhir bahagia?????ndak perlu ada yg meninggal atau sakit atau cerai atau patah hati atau apapun lah yang menyakitkan???????????disurga seperti itu ndak ya?????ada yang mau ngajak kesana ndak ya??hehehehe......cheers for the happiness......walau senangnya cuman semu ndak apa apalah....hahahahahaha.........

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